Delimiter Issue
I cannot execute DELIMITER $$ or DELIMITER ;. It is showing up in black font and isn't running. Can you assist please?
4 answers ( 0 marked as helpful)
Hi Cyd-Marie!
Thanks for reaching out!
Could you please support your question with a screenshot of your Workbench? This can help us assist you better. Thank you.
Looking forward to your answer.
Hi Tsvetelin Tsonkov,
I have the same issue, the DELIMITER is displayed in black and isn't work.
Please see the image attached:
Many thanks,
For me the "DELIMITER $$" shows up as black as well and it works. I think it depends on SQL workbench version and settings as to what is the colour of the keyword. So, if there is no error message when you run the statement, i wont worry about it. :)
Hi Andrei and Tanika!
Thanks for reaching out!
@: Tanika
Thanks for sharing information with the Community!
@: Andrei
As Tanika explained this is not an issue unless there is an error message. Different versions of the Workbench have different ways of displaying the colour of the keywords.
Hope this helps.