Data Science Templates

Boost your programming skills with free SQL, R, Excel, and Python templates and create top-notch projects for your portfolio.

Accelerate your workflow with code-ready data science templates from 365 Data Science instructors—designed to enhance efficiency in your programming projects.

Discover a myriad of valuable resources—from a time-saving data science cheat sheet to data analysis and visualization templates in Excel and ready-to-use SQL, R, and Python coding shortcuts.

Whether you’re unsure how to approach a task or work on a time-sensitive project, these templates are designed to streamline your work and enhance productivity.

Green Cover of Cross Table in Excel. The template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates excel

Cross Table in Excel Template

This Cross Table in Excel shows how a typical cross-table can be constructed. The rows of the table represent the type of investment while the investors are placed as columns. Each cell, therefore, shows how much each person invested and where. Some other related topics you might be interested to explore are Side-by-side bar chart in Excel, Bar chart in Excel, Pie chart in Excel, Histogram in Excel, Frequency Distribution Table for Numerical Variables. You can now download the Excel template for free. Cross Table in Excel is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Green Cover of Normal Distribution in Excel . The template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates excel

Normal Distribution in Excel Template

This Normal Distribution in Excel template demonstrates that the sum of 2 randomly thrown dice is normally distributed. Open the .xlsx file with Microsoft Excel. Study the structure of the file and experiment with different values. Some other related topics you might be interested to explore are Positive Skew in Excel, Zero Skew in Excel, Negative Skew in Excel, Uniform Distribution in Excel, Standard Normal Distribution in Excel You can now download the Excel template for free. Normal Distribution in Excel is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program

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Green Cover of scatter Plot in Excel. This template resource is from the 365 Data Science Team
Templates excel

Scatter Plot in Excel Template

This Scatter Plot in Excel Template displays the relationship between the area and price of a California real estate data set, allowing us to see if any connection exists between the two variables. Some other related topics you might be interested to explore are Pie Chart in Excel, Line Chart in Excel , Bar and Line Chart in Excel and Stacked Area Chart in Excel. You can now download the Excel template for free. Scatter Plot in Excel is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Green Cover of Pareto Diagram in Excel. The template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates excel

Pareto Diagram in Excel Template

This Pareto Diagram in Excel shows how visualize categorical data, by representing the number of cars per brand a car shop has sold. Some other related topics you might be interested to explore are Pie Chart in Excel, Line Chart in Excel , Bar and Line Chart in Excel and Stacked Area Chart in Excel. You can now download the Excel template for free. Pareto Diagram in Excel is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Green cover of Bar and Line Chart in Excel. This template resources is from 365 Data Science.
Templates excel

Bar and Line Chart in Excel

This Bar and Line Chart in Excel Template uses a dual y-axis and shows the number of participants of a survey using a bar chart and the percentage among them using the Python programming language using a line chart. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are Scatter Plot in Excel, Pie Chart in Excel, Line Chart in Excel, and Stacked Area Chart in Excel. You can now download the Excel template for free. Bar and Line Chart in Excel is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Purple cover of If Else Else If Statements in R. This template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates r

While Loops in R Template

The While Loops in R shows how to create a while loop which sums up the numbers from 1 to n. A while loop operates as long as, or while its condition evaluates to TRUE. In contrast to a for loop which iterates over a sequence of number, the while loop evaluates whether a condition holds or not. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are For Loops in R and If Else Else If Statements in R. You can now download the R template for free. Calculating Data Variance in R is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Purple Cover of Calculating Data Variance in R. The template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates r

Calculating Data Variance in R Template

The Calculating Data variance in R shows how variance measures the dispersion of a set of data points around their mean value. Some other related topics you might be interested are Calculating Standard Deviation in R, Calculating Data Mean in R, Calculating Standard Deviation of Data in R, Exploring Data Skewness in R You can now download the R template for free. Calculating Data Variance in R is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Purple Cover of If Else Else If Statements in R. This template resource is from 365 Data Science Team.
Templates r

If Else Else If Statements in R Template

The If Else Else IF Statements in R template shows whether a certain condition is met and can perform distinct actions provided the condition is met, and provided it is not. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are While loops in R and For Loops in R You can now download the R template for free. If Else Else If Statements in R is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Ocean blue cover of Not Null Constraint in SQL. This template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates SQL

Not Null Constraint in SQL Template

The Not Null Constraint in SQL template shows you how to assign a PRIMARY KEY constraint, specifying that the values of the constrained email must uniquely identify each row. Download and unzip the .zip file in a new folder. Inside the folder you will find a .sql file. Load it into MySQL Workbench. Some other related topics you might be interested are Primary Key Constraint in SQL, Unique Constraint in SQL and Default Constraint in SQL . You can now download the SQL template for free. Not Null Constraint in SQL is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Ocean blue cover of Primary Key Constraints in SQL. This template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates SQL

Primary Key Constraint in SQL Template

The Primary Key Constraint in SQL template shows you how to assign a Primary Key constraint, specifying that the values of the constrained email must uniquely identify each row. Download and unzip the .zip file in a new folder. Inside the folder you will find a .sql file. Load it into MySQL Workbench. Some other related topics you might be interested are Not Null Constraint, Unique Constraint and Default Constraint. You can now download the SQL template for free. Primary Key Constraint in SQL is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Ocean blue cover of Default Constraint in SQL. This template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates SQL

Default Constraint in SQL Template

The Default Constraint in SQL template shows you how to assign a default value to a column in a table. If no other value is specified it will be added to all new records. Download and unzip the .zip file in a new folder. Inside the folder you will find a .sql file. Load it into MySQL Workbench. Some other related topics you might be interested are Primary Key Constraint in SQL, Not Null Constraint, and Unique Constraint. You can now download the SQL template for free. Default Constraint in SQL is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Ocean blue cover of Unique Constraint in SQL. This template resources is from 365 Data Science.
Templates SQL

Unique Constraint in SQL Template

The Unique Constraint in SQL template shows you how to assign a UNIQUE KEY constraint to a table, used to avoid any duplicates and ensure unique values in the column. Download and unzip the .zip file in a new folder. Inside the folder you will find a .sql file. Load it into MySQL Workbench. Some other related topics you might be interested are Primary Key Constraint in SQL, Not Null Constraint, and Default Constraint. You can now download the SQL template for free. Unique Constraint in SQL is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Ocean blue cover of Cross Join in SQL. This template resources is from 365 Data Science.
Templates SQL

Cross Join in SQL Template

The Cross Join in SQL template shows you how to take the values from a certain table and connects them with all the values from the tables we want to join it with. Download and unzip the .zip file in a new folder. Inside the folder you will find a .sql file. Load it into MySQL Workbench. Some other related topics you might be interested are Inner JOIN in SQL, Left JOIN in SQL, and Right JOIN in SQL. You can now download the SQL template for free. Cross JOIN in SQL is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Ocean blue cover of Right Join in SQL. This template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates SQL

Right Join in SQL Template

The Right Join in SQL template shows you how to create a new instance of a table combining rows that have matching values from two tables plus all values from the right table that match no values from the left one. Download and unzip the .zip file in a new folder. Inside the folder you will find a .sql file. Load it into MySQL Workbench. Some other related topics you might be interested are Inner JOIN in SQL, Left JOIN in SQL, and Cross JOIN in SQL. You can now download the SQL template for free. Right JOIN in SQL is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Ocean blue cover of LEFT Join in SQL. This template resources is from 365 Data Science.
Templates SQL

Left Join in SQL Template

The Left JOIN in SQL template shows you how to create a new instance of a table combining rows that have matching values from two tables plus all values from the left table that match no values from the right one. Download and unzip the .zip file in a new folder. Inside the folder you will find a .sql file. Load it into MySQL Workbench. Some other related topics you might be interested are Inner JOIN in SQL, Right JOIN in SQL, and Cross JOIN in SQL. You can now download the SQL template for free. Left JOIN in SQL is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Purple blue color of Scatter Plot with ggplot2 in R Cover. This template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates r

Scatter Plot with ggplot2 in R Template

The Scatter Plot with ggplot2 in R includes a color scheme from the Wes Anderson movie palette. The chart displays the relationship between the price and area of houses from a property data set. A scatter plot is one of the most widely used charts in statistics and data analytics. It shows a collection of data points across two axes, signifying two categories of the data we wish to compare. Some other related topics you might be interested are Bar chart with ggplot2 in R, Histogram with ggplot2 in R, Regression Scatter Plot with ggplot2 in R, and Line Chart with ggplot2 in R. You can now download the R template for free.

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Purple blue color of Exploring Data Skewness in R Cover. This template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates r

Exploring Data Skewness in R Template

The Exploring Data Skewness in R template shows whether the observations in a data set are concentrated on one side. Here you can see examples of three different data skews implemented in R - right skewness, zero skewness and left skewness. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are Calculating Data Variance in R, Calculating Data Median in R, Calculating Standard Deviation of data in R. You can now download the R template for free. Calculating Data Median in R is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Purple Cover of Calculating Data Median in R. The template is from 365 Data Science.
Templates r

Calculating Data Median in R Template

The following Calculating Data Median in R template shows the mean, also known as the simple average. We can find the mean of a data set by adding up all of its components and then dividing them by the number of components contained in the data set. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are Calculating Data Variance in R, Calculating Data Median in R, Calculating Standard Deviation of Data in R and Exploring Data Skewness in R. You can now download the R template for free. Calculating Data Median in R is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Purple Cover of Stacked Area Chart with ggplot2 in R. This template resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates r

Stacked Area Chart with ggplot2 in R Template

The following Stacked Area Chart with ggplot2 in R template shows the popularity of different engine types in automobiles across several decades. An area chart is used when we are interested in tracking and comparing the volume of a few variables over time. In a stacked area chart each category is ‘stacked’ or ‘placed’ on top of the previous and there is no overlap among categories. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are Line Chart with ggplot2 in R, Bar Chart with ggplot2 in R, Pie Chart with ggplot2 in R and Scatter Plot with ggpot2 in R. You can now download the R template for free. Stacked Area Chart with ggplot2 in R is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.

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Purple Cover of For Loops in Python - Practice Exam. The resource is from 365 Data Science.
Templates r

For Loops in R Template

The following For Loops in R shows how to calculate the sum of the numbers from 1 to 10 using a for loop. For loops are one of the most commonly used tools by any programmer and they are used when we want to repeat an action in the loop for a certain number of times. Some other related topics you might be interested in exploring are While Loops in R and If Else Else If statements .

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