Data Science Templates
Boost your programming skills with free SQL, R, Excel, and Python templates and create top-notch projects for your portfolio.Accelerate your workflow with code-ready data science templates from 365 Data Science instructors—designed to enhance efficiency in your programming projects.
Discover a myriad of valuable resources—from a time-saving data science cheat sheet to data analysis and visualization templates in Excel and ready-to-use SQL, R, and Python coding shortcuts.
Whether you’re unsure how to approach a task or work on a time-sensitive project, these templates are designed to streamline your work and enhance productivity.

Setting up Beautiful Soup and Choosing a Parser in Python Template
The Setting up Beautiful Soup and Choosing a Parser in Python Template shows the first steps needed to be taken when starting to scrape with Beautiful Soup - connecting to the website, checking out the html, creating the soup and choosing a Parser, and finally, exporting the html to a file. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Incorporating URL Parameters into a GET Request, Sending a GET request in Python, Commonly Used HTML Tags in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Setting up Beautiful Soup and Choosing a Parser in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Reading from and Writing to Files in Python Template
The Reading from and Writing to Files in Python Template demonstrates how one can read and write files in Python. It also introduces the 'with' statement through which we can automatically close the file after we finish working with it. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Incorporating URL Parameters into a GET Request, Sending a GET request in Python, Commonly Used HTML Tags in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Reading from and Writing to Files in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Request Headers and Emulating a Browser in Python Template
In the Request Headers and Emulating a Browser in Python template we explore how to define different request headers and also manipulate the 'User-Agent' string in order to pretend that the request was sent through a browser. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Incorporating URL Parameters into a GET Request, Sending a GET request in Python, Reading from and Writing to Files in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Request Headers and Emulating a Browser in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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R-squared and Adjusted R-squared with sklearn in Python Template
The R-squared and Adjusted R-squared with sklearn in Python demonstrates how to return the R-squared and R-squared values of a model when performing linear regression. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Regression Summary Table with sklearn in Python, Feature Selection through p-values with sklearn in Python, Feature Selection through Standardization with sklearn in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The R-squared and Adjusted R-squared with sklearn in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Visualizing Linear Regressions with Matplotlib in Python Template
The Visualizing Linear Regressions with Matplotlib in Python template demonstrates how to plot the regression line of a linear regression model onto the data. We go through the steps of loading the data from a .csv file, then mapping dummy variables onto numerical values, performing a linear regression using statsmodels and, finally, visualize what we have created. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Regression Summary Table with statsmodels in Python, Predictions with statsmodels in Python, Linear Regression Model in Python - predictions versus targets. eeee You can now download the Python template for free. The Visualizing Linear Regressions with Matplotlib in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Heatmaps and Dendrograms with seaborn in Python Template
The Heatmaps and Dendrograms with seaborn in Python template demonstrates how to create heatmaps and dendrograms using the seaborn package in Python.Some other related topics you might be interested in are K-Means Clustering of Numerical Data with sklearn in Python, The Elbow Method for K-Means Clustering in Python, K-Means Clustering of Categorical Data with sklearn in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Heatmaps and Dendrograms with seaborn in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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The Elbow Method for K-Means Clustering in Python Template
The Elbow Method for K-Means Clustering in Python template demonstrates a way to determine the most optimal value of K in a K-Means clustering problem. Recall that K represents the numbers of clusters. The way this is done is through the so-called elbow method which requires calculating the within-cluster sum of squares for each number of clusters.. Some other related topics you might be interested in are K-Means Clustering of Numerical Data with sklearn in Python, Heatmaps and Dendrograms with seaborn in Python, K-Means Clustering of Categorical Data with sklearn in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Elbow Method for K-Means Clustering in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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K-Means Clustering of Numerical Data with sklearn in Python Template
The K-Means Clustering of Numerical Data with sklearn in Python template shows how to solve a simple clustering problem using the K-Means algorithm provided by the sklearn machine learning package. After performing the clustering, we will visualize the results and identify the clusters. Some other related topics you might be interested in are The Elbow Method for K-Means Clustering in Python, Heatmaps and Dendrograms with seaborn in Python, K-Means Clustering of Categorical Data with sklearn in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The K-Means Clustering of Numerical Data with sklearn in Python is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Logistic Regression with statsmodels in Python Template
The Logistic Regression with statsmodels in Python template shows how to solve a simple classification problem using the logistic regression model provided by the statsmodels library. The database used for the example is read using the pandas library.. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Confusion Matrix with statsmodels in Python, Logistic Regression Curve in Python, Model Accuracy in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Logistic Regression with statsmodels in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Confusion Matrix with statsmodels in Python Template
In this Confusion Matrix with statsmodels in Python template, we will show you how to solve a simple classification problem using the logistic regression algorithm. Then, we will create a python confusion matrix of the model using the statsmodels library and make the table more beautiful and readable with the help of the pandas library. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Logistic regression with statsmodels in Python, Logistic Regression Curve in Python, Model Accuracy in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Confusion Matrix with statsmodels in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Linear Regression Model in Python - Predictions versus Targets Template
In this Linear Regression Model in Python- predictions versus targets template, we will show you how to plot the predictions the model has made versus the true targets. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Predictions with statsmodels in Python, Feature Selection through Standardization with sklearn in Python, Predictions with standardized Coefficients with sklearn in Python, Visualizing Linear regressions with matplotlib in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Dummy Variables with pandas in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Dummy Variables with pandas in Python Template
When preparing data for a machine learning algorithm, very often we see variables that do not bear numerical values The Dummy Variables with pandas in Python template demonstrates how to map categorical data onto numerical values using the pandas library. Some other related topics you might be interested in are Mapping Categorical to Numerical Data with pandas in Python, Removing Missing Values with pandas in Python, Removing Outliers with pandas in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Dummy Variables with pandas in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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The OLS Assumptions in Python – No Multicollinearity
The OLS Assumptions in Python – No Multicollinearity shows how to detect possible collinearity between several data set features and deal with them. In this example, we investigate the possible collinearity between several car features and remove the unnecessary ones. Some other topics you might be interested in exploring are OLS Assumptions in Python - No Multicollinearity, Linear Regression Model in Python – Residuals. You can now download the Python template for free. The OLS Assumptions in Python - No Multicollinearity template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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OLS Assumptions in Python - Linearity Template
The OLS Assumptions in Python - Linearity shows how to transform non-linear dependencies into linear. In this example, we check the dependencies between the price of a car with respect to the year of manufacturing, its price and its mileage. Some other related topics you might be interested are OLS assumptions in Python – Linearity and Linear regression model in Python - residuals. You can now download the Python template for free. The OLS Assumptions in Python - Linearity template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Removing Outliers with pandas in Python Template
The Removing Outliers with pandas in Python shows how to detect and remove samples that skew a dataset and might lead to building an inaccurate model. Some other related topics you might be interested are Removing Outliers with pandas in Python, Dummy Variables with pandas in Python, Feature Selection through p-values with sklearn in Python, Feature Selection through standardization with sklearn in Python, Linear Regression Model in Python – residuals. You can now download the Python template for free. The Removing Outliers with pandas in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Removing Missing Values with pandas in Python Template
The Removing Missing Values with pandas in Python shows how to detect and remove samples from a dataset that contain missing values. Some other related topics you might be interested are Removing Outliers with pandas in Python, Dummy Variables with pandas in Python, Feature Selection through p-values with sklearn in Python, Feature Selection through standardization with sklearn in Python, Linear Regression Model in Python – residuals. You can now download the Python template for free. The Removing Missing Values with pandas in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Train and Test Split with sklearn in Python Template
The Train and Test Split with sklearn in Python template shows how to prevent overtraining of the machine learning algorithm by using the convenient train_test_split() method provided by sklearn to split a database into two parts - a training and a testing dataset. Some other related topics you might be interested are Regression Summary Table with sklearn in Python, Feature Selection through p-values with sklearn in Python, Feature Selection through Standardization with sklearn in Python, Predictions with Standardized Coefficients with sklearn in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Train and Test Split with sklearn in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Predictions with Standardized Coefficients with sklearn in Python Template
The Predictions with Standardized Coefficients with sklearn in Python shows how to predict values using a model that was fit on standardized inputs. First, we solve a multiple linear regression problem with two continuous features using the machine learning package sklearn, after which we apply standardization. Some other related topics you might be interested are Predictions with statsmodels in Python, Feature Selection through Standardization with sklearn in Python, Visualizing Linear Regressions with matplotlib in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. The Predictions with Standardized Coefficients with sklearn in Python template is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Feature Selection Through Standardization with sklearn in Python Template
The following Feature Selection Through Standardization with sklearn in Python template shows how to solve a multiple linear regression problem with two continuous features. These features are standardized using a StandardScaler() object. After fitting the model to the scaled data, we construct a summary table in the form of a dataframe. It stores the features as well as their biases and weights (the machine learning jargon for intercepts and coefficients). The irrelevant features are automatically penalized by a small magnitude of the weight. Such a procedure is known as feature scaling through standardization. Open the .ipynb file using Jupyter notebook. Another related topics is Feature selection through p-values with sklearn in Python. You can now download the Python template for free. Feature Selection Through Standardization with sklearn in Python is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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Regression Summary Table with sklearn in Python Template
The following Regression Summary Table with sklearn in Python template shows how to solve a multiple linear regression problem using the machine learning package sklearn. We create a summary table in the form of a dataframe which stores the features of the model, the corresponding coefficients and their p-values. Open the .ipynb file using Jupyter notebook. Some other related topics are Regression summary table with statsmodels Python, R-squared and Adjusted R-squared with sklearn Python. You can now download the Python template for free. Regression Summary Table with sklearn in Python is among the topics covered in detail in the 365 Data Science program.
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