5 Reasons to Learn Data Science Online During the Summer

Join over 2 million students who advanced their careers with 365 Data Science. Learn from instructors who have worked at Meta, Spotify, Google, IKEA, Netflix, and Coca-Cola and master Python, SQL, Excel, machine learning, data analysis, AI fundamentals, and more.

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11 Apr 2024 3 min read

For most of us, after a full year of hard work, Summer is the time for a well-deserved break. Whether you’re already planning a long-awaited vacation with friends and family, solo trips to exciting destinations, or just dedicating more time to your favorite hobbies, there are a lot of great ways to enjoy the long sunny days and recharge your batteries.

However, even an abundance of free time can be too much of a good thing, if not balanced with challenging tasks that keep your brain in shape and help you stay on track with your goals.

And that is especially valid for aspiring data science professionals.

There is no downtime in the rapidly evolving data science field. So, the extra time you have this Summer may be in fact your best chance to upskill in your domain of interest and get a head start when recruiters renew their search for talent for 6-figure-salary job offers in September.

Still not sure learning data science online during the Summer is an amazing idea? Here are 5 reasons you should go for it (and proudly reap the rewards later).

5 Reasons to Learn Data Science Online During the Summer

1. You Will Make the Most of Your Vacation

As I mentioned, being away from the office or off-campus in the warm months of the year is the best moment to finally focus on your professional growth by mastering new, in-demand skills. A little bit every day goes a long way and learning data science makes no exception! By dedicating small portions of your free time to studying, you can make considerable progress at your own pace on the topics that align with your career goals. And the best part is that with online data science courses, you can upskill or reskill anytime and anywhere, so no need to disrupt your vacation by traveling back for classes. You can master Advanced Microsoft Excel or upgrade your coding skills with Python Programmer Bootcamp  by allocating less than 1 hour a day to watching video lessons while enjoying the sea view. Now that’s what I call happy learning!

2. You Will Gain a Strong Competitive Advantage

Data science is highly competitive, so if you truly want to break into the field, you will certainly benefit from staying disciplined and speeding up your career preparation during the Summer. Want to stand out from the crowd come hiring season? There is an easy way to do it. The 365 Data Science user dashboard allows you to stay on track by setting a daily learning goal. No matter if you choose to spend 15 minutes or 1,5 hours a day watching courses and taking practice exams on the platform, every minute counts and you will still be way ahead of your peers who choose to do nothing.

3. You Will Open the Door to Great Career Opportunities

Learning data science online can pay off faster than you can imagine. If you’re not in full vacation mode but instead are using your time off to dig into careers that interest you, you can leverage your newly-acquired skills to land a Summer data science internship at your dream company, or why not even a full-time job? Employers favor the bold and while everyone is on vacation, your job application has a much greater chance of getting noticed, especially if your data science resume is enhanced with highly coveted skills, such as Python programmingdata visualization, and machine learning. And, in case you already have these in your data science toolbox and you want to truly maximize your chances of landing your target job, you’ll find invaluable insights directly from the top-level data scientist Ken Jee in his expert course on the topic:  Starting a Career in Data Science: Project Portfolio, Resume, and Interview Process

4. You Can Build an Impressive Project Portfolio

Building a project portfolio is crucial to landing a job in data science. Why? Because it’s the actual proof of what you can do (and that’s the one thing employers are interested in). If you are enrolled in a 365 data science career track, for example, you can add real-world projects from the online training to your portfolio during the Summer and boost your career prospects– much easier than starting a project from scratch or volunteering for pro-bono work at an NGO in hopes to contribute with some free-of-charge projects.

5. You Can Get Certified and Job-ready for Hiring Season

Yes, you can become the best candidate for the job you want over the Summer by earning verifiable certificates recognized by companies all over the world. The 365 Data science step-by-step online program gives you the opportunity to earn course certificates for each topic you complete and pass the exam to, as well as career track certificates – both confirming your subject matter expertise and boosting your chances of success in your data science career. What makes our certificates more prestigious than many is the fact that students need to score a passing grade of 60% or higher on the required exams in order to earn them. And that is the measurable achievement which indicates you meet a high standard of competence, validates your skills, and ensures our certificates are trusted by employers worldwide.

Ready to Learn Data Science Online This Summer?

Whether it's building your skills from the ground up or making the switch from another field - 365 Data Science will help you make the best of your data journey this summer. Join a Career Track or enroll in courses of your choosing and let our structured curriculum equip you with the theory and hands-on practice you need to master the top tools required by employers:

  • Python, R, SQL;
  • Git and GitHub;
  • Tableau, Power BI, and Excel;
  • TensorFlow and TensorFlow2.

But that’s not all! You will not only develop a super versatile skill set with guidance from world-class instructors – you’ll build up an impressive project portfolio and get professional resume feedback – everything you need to start a career in data science.
