AI Applications for Business Success

with Horia Mărgărit

This course will introduce you to the challenges and opportunities of supply chain analytics to then show you how to leverage the power of AI to meet your business goals.

2 hours 27 lessons
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27 High Quality Lessons
1 Practical Tasks
2 Hours of Content
Certificate of Achievement

Course Overview

AI isn’t just a fancy concept that powers self-driving vehicles, robots, and high-tech companies. Most organizations – regardless of their size and industry – can benefit from the application of artificial intelligence. In this course, you’ll get an overview of business analytics and find out how to define SMART goals and conduct SWOT analysis. You’ll go through the challenges and opportunities of supply chain analytics to then determine the business problem we’ll tackle throughout the course.

Topics covered

Business analyticsCareer developmentdata analysismachine learningPythonTheory

What You'll Learn

This course will give you insight into the workings of a supply chain business model. You’ll learn how to analyze and define business goals, and then explore ways of incorporating AI and ML models into every step of the process to improve your business operations.

Understand and define SMART Goals
Perform a SWOT analysis
Become familiar with modern AI techniques
Discover how to use AI to infer causation
Make better and faster decisions using data
Yield the desired results in your strategic business objectives


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This is my first advanced specialisation course and I really appreciate the thorough advanced statistics provided. That being said the lecturer must be nearer to the mic when doing his recordings as well as be a bit more enthusiastic ( I dont know how but data science should be taught more thought provoking or a subtle change of tone from time to time as opposed to the monotone voice ive heard throughout all these lectures). The code is outdated in the git hub and the preliminary stages of running those codes in Github did not work. Lecture notes would useful as I am patient enough to use the subtitles and pick out what I assume (I am guessing) is the most important statistical knowledge from the course. The courses before had pdf files to explain statistics and they are very helpful for data science students globally.
I would love to translate the subtitle to Dutch or at least have subtitles in english, then I can speed up, the video, because the voice over is really boring to listen to and it causes me, that I switch over to other websites. The topic about the swot analysis and smart goals is great but what has it really to do with data science. The best way to find a business case is to understand the core processes, so i guess that is the goal?
Didn't go into much details so I need to look up and study the concepts elsewhere. But it is good to guide where the important concepts are.
A great course on Artifical Intelligence with a practical example. I wish to learn how AI applies in the manufacturing environment.
Had to speed up the videos to 1.5; there is something in the tone of the instructor that makes this course unapealling
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Horia Mărgărit

“AI has a vast potential to improve the business environment and the overall quality of life for all of us is what interests me the most. Generally, I tend to prioritize technical underpinings that maximize actual business and customer value. AI brings innovation, business opportunities, optimization, and efficiency. I will be happy to share my expertise on this topic inside the course.”

Horia Mărgărit

Worked at Autodesk

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AI Applications for Business Success

with Horia Mărgărit

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