365 Data Science Help Center

How long does it take to complete all courses in the program?

How long you take to complete all courses in the program may change depending on the following factors:

  1. Working full-time or part-time. Many employed students devote several hours per week to the program and find their ideal balance between work and learning. Of course, this may extend the program’s time, depending on how the individual prefers to manage their time.
  2. Prior experience and knowledge level. Everyone joins our program at different levels. While our courses are perfect for both beginners and experts, how much you already know about programming will naturally affect how fast you proceed. For instance, two to four months is sufficient if a student starts from scratch, works part-time, and completes all courses. But if one already knows programming, statistics, and related areas, they’ll likely only need one to two months.
  3. Motivation and engagement. While we design our courses as exciting and engaging as possible, there’s a degree of individual responsibility regarding learning time. Like any educational undertaking, you get back what you put in.

Please note that our courses are continually being reviewed and improved wherever possible. Added material and courses will increase the overall timeframe for completion.

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